
Post Covid 19 Complications & Homoeopathy Treatment

Post Covid 19 Complications & Homoeopathy Treatment



Hair fall, headache


Mouth, throat

Loss of taste, soreness in throat


Nose, respiratory

Anosmia, parosmia, dry cough, chest tightness, difficult breathing, chest pain.



Shown lasting damage to heart muscles may increase risk of heart failure and other heart complication, palpitation



Loss of memory, unable to concentrate and comprehend, brain fog



Fatigue, muscle pain, feeling unwell, disturbed sleep, depression, anxiety, body aches, joint pain, weakness


Gastrointestinal symptoms

Indigestion, loss of appetite, flatulence

  1. Head:

    After covid hair fall is very common and may persist for few months. Homoeopathy treatment includes Dr Reckeweg's R89, 10 drops in half cup water three times a day, can also apply 10 to 15 drops in the roots of the hair.

    In post Covid complications Dr Reckeweg's syrup Vita C-15 and Vita C-15 Ampoules help in fast recovering after covid-19 complications.

    Other homoeopathic medicines for hair fall after covid are Dr Reckeweg's Acid phos, Acid flour, Lycopodium, Natrium mur, Sepia, Carbo veg, Phosphorus Sulphur Thuja, Ashwgandha.

    Mild to severe headache is also present in cases recovering from covid infection. Homoeopathy medicines Dr Reckeweg's Belladonna, Bryonia, China, Magnesium phos, Nux vomica, Pulsatilla, Gelsemium are useful in treating headache after post Covid.

  2. Mouth:

    Loss of taste is present during and after covid for few weeks to few months in some cases. Sometimes a bitter feeling is also there like metallic taste in mouth. Homoeopathy medicines for these symptoms are Dr Reckeweg's Belladonna, Sulfuric acid, Acetic acid, Kali bichromicum, Nux vomica, Ferrium Metallicum, Pulsatilla.

  3. Nose and respiratory:

    Loss of smell (Anosmia) is very common post covid however in many cases there is distorted smell (parosmia). There is feeling of bad and putrid smell even though there is no such external stimuli present. Homoeopathy medicines are Dr Reckeweg's Calcarea Sulphur, Merc sol, Pulsatilla, Kali Sulphur, Silicea, Kali bichromicum, Lycopodium, Sangunaria Cana, Teucrium marum verum and Nux vomica.

  4. Cough:

    is present long for months after covid. Chest pain and tightness is also present in some cases. Covid pneumonia damage to air sacs (alveoli) resulting in scar and difficult breathing may persist for long. Many patients have developed advanced pathological changes resulting in Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) Homoeopathy medicines are Dr Reckeweg's Belladonna, Bryonia,

    Arsenic album, Phosphorus, Spongia, Drosera, Carbo veg, Aspidosperma, Ipecac, Lycopodium, Griendelia, Pulsatilla, Sulphur, Natrium Sulphur, Rumex, Blatta orientalis. Dr. Reckeweg R47, R49, R76, R57, R8 and R9.

  5. Heart:

    Covid 19 can cause lasting damage to heart muscles, increasing the risk of heart failure and other heart complication. There are instances of Increased heart rate during recovery of covid19 giving symptoms like palpitations and chest discomfort.

    Homoeopathy medicines are Dr Reckeweg's Aconite, Digitalis. Naja tripudians, Kalmia, Lachesis, Spigelia, Rauwalfia SepentinaQ, Crataegus oxy, Dr Reckeweg R2 and R3, R66.

  6. Neurological:

    Symptoms like Loss of memory, inability to concentrate and comprehend, brain fog etc are noticed during recovery from covid19. Covid may also increase risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.

    In post Covid complications Dr Reckeweg's syrup Vita-C-15 and Vita-C-15 Ampoules help in fast recovering after covid-19 complications.

    Dr Reckeweg R14,R16,R70.

    Dr Reckeweg Avena sativa mother tinctures Ashwagandha Mother Tincture .

  7. Gastrointestinal symptoms:

    loss of taste, constipation, piles, loss of appetite, indigestion and liver function disturbances are the sum of common complications after covid-19.

    Dr Reckeweg's R5, R7, R13, R31, Dr. Reckeweg Alfalfa Tonic, Bryonia alba, Carbo veg, Pulsatilla, Lycopodium, Nux vomica.

  8. Other general symptoms post covid-19:

    Anxiety and depression is very common in cases recovering from covid. Fear of infection is also found in many cases. Fibromyalgia ,fatigue, muscle pain, joints pain, and a sense of being unwell . Disturbed sleep , body aches, weakness and mood swings are also seen during covid-19 recovery.

    Homoeopathy medicines Dr Reckeweg Ignatia, Rhus tox, Calcarea carb, Pulsatilla, Kali phos, Passiflora, Avena sativa, Ashwgandha, R14, syrup Vita- C-15, Vita- C-15 Ampoules and R11.

  9. Good Diet for Post Covid Recovery:

    A balanced diet is important to regain help after post copy infection. Consume a high protein diet with 75 -200 grams of protein each day. Include as many , lentils, legumes ,milk products, Soya seeds and nuts in your diet as possible. Non vegetarian should include animal products such as lean meat poultry, fish and eggs. Choose fruits and nuts instead of sugary treats such as cookies, cakes and chocolates to limit your sugar intake. Patients recovering from covid-19 should continue to take multivitamins vitamin B, C and D zinc, iron and selenium pills.

    Also consult homoeopathic physician near you for selection of suitable medicines and R-numbers for your complaints and symptoms.

About the author - Dr. Sushil Kumar Vats (Senior Consultant)


  1. B.H.M.S.(1988-89) from Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital,Delhi.
  2. M.D.(Homeopathy), Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Agra.


  1. Member- Homeopathy Advisory Committee, Govt. of Delhi from 1999 to 2014.
  2. Member- Executive Committee, Delhi Homeopathic Anusandhan Parishad, a research body of Delhi Govt. since 1999 to 2017
  3. Special Invitee- Scientific Advisory Committee, Delhi Homeopathic Anusandhan Parishad, Govt. of Delhi, since 1999 to 2017
  4. Dr.Yudhveer Singh Award (1997) by the board of Homoeopathic System of Medicine, Govt. of Delhi.
  5. Examiner- Board of Homoeopathic System of Medicine, New Delhi.
  6. Honored by Pareek Foundation for Homoeopathic Research, Agra for �Outstanding Services rendered to Homoeopathic Journalism.