Sciatica. Sciatica as a result of prolapse of the vertebral discs. Paraesthesias, formication in legs.
Aconitum: Colds caused by dry cold air. Fommications and pains in legs. Paraesthesias especially at night.
Arsenicum album: Burning pain especially at midnight. Ameliorated by warm applications.
Colocynthis: Violent pains that are aggravated by slightest movement, cold or even touch. Cramplike drawing pain along the sciatic nerve.
Gnaphalium polycephalum: Nerve root pain with formications. Ameliorated on sitting.
Magnesium phosphoricum: Nocturnal pain, ameliorated by warm applications and pressure.
- In acute cases give initially 8-10 drops in some water every ¼ to ½ hour. When improvement sets in reduce the dosage to 10-15 drops every 1-2 hours
Info for Registered practitioners only